Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bug Spray Using Essential Oils

Most recipes I've seen on the internet use an 8oz spray bottle but I don't think I want to carry a bottle that large in my purse or gym bag so I made this recipe based on the use of a more portable 2 oz. bottle.

2 oz. glass spray bottle
1 oz. water
1 oz. witch hazel or vodka
2 drops each of citronella, tea tree oil, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemongrass
(Optional 1-2 drops of lavender if you like the scent)

Pour all ingredients into the bottle, seal with the spray attachment that comes with the bottle, and shake to combine the ingredients

This is my modified recipe for a 2 oz. bottle using blended oils:

1 oz. water
1 oz. witch hazel or vodka
2 drops each of Purification oil blend, Thieves oil blend, and peppermint.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Simple Vapor Rub Using Essential Oils

Learned this today just in time for fall allergy and cold season:


6 tablespoons of coconut oil
20 drops or so of each of eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, and peppermint (adjust to preference but I have a heavy hand with the eucalyptus oil when I'm really congested)

Place ingredients in small mason jar or similar container and mix.

I suppose you could also use petroleum jelly if you're ok with "unnatural" ingredients but haven't tried that yet....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Homemade Multipurpose cleaner

Saw this on the Internet today and want to remember it.  Haven't tried it yet but would like to once my schedule clears up again.

Multipurpose Cleaner
Makes 2 cups
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. borax
2 Tbs. white vinegar
2 cups boiling water
20 drops essential oil of your choice
Mix all ingredients except essential oil. Allow the mixture to cool, add essential oil, and pour into a spray bottle.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to remove cat hair from fleece

My first item!

Today I finally learned how to remove pesky cat hair from a fleece blanket.  I suppose these tricks would also work on other fabrics but removing it fleece is like scaling Mt. Everest (at least to me). Here are the two tricks I learned today:

1) Use a dryer softener sheet. Of course, why didn't I think of that? Duh!
2) Get a pair of rubber, household gloves and put a little bit of water in the palm of your hands.  Then start rubbing the fabric and the cat hair just balls up in your hands (like nasty hair balls but at least not from your cat's insides-yuck!).

I have spent a lot of money on lint brushes and tape rollers and those are as effective get the idea...

Finally, I can salvage more than one blanket my wonderful cat has "catified".

Why this blog....

I am creating this blog as a repository of random stuff I learn from day to day.  However, as I swiftly approach middle age, I'm afraid to the good ol' noggin isn't going to be able to retain as much as it used to so hence, this blog.